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What does a spiritual director do?

A spiritual director listens, notices, asks questions and attends to you and the work that God is doing in your life.

God is the true spiritual director. My role as a spiritual director is simply to act as a midwife who notices and calls out what God is birthing in you. (I am thankful to a wonderful spiritual director, Margaret Guenther for that beautiful metaphor.)

Can I tell you anything?

Absolutely. Anything my directees share with me remain private in accordance with this privacy statement.

How much does it cost?

The cost is on a sliding scale of $55-$85 per session. People can pay what their budget allows. Payments can be made via check/cash, Venmo, Zelle or PayPal. If cost is a hindrance to you, please email me and we can work something out in regards to payment.

How long does it take?

Sessions are 1 hour long.

How often do we meet?

Most directees prefer meeting every 4-6 weeks. It is up to you to decide how frequently you would prefer to meet.

What if I don’t live in Atlanta?

We can use FaceTime, Facebook messenger, Zoom or Skype for directees who live outside of Atlanta.

What goes into a spiritual direction session?

We usually begin our time together in silence or with a Scripture reading to center yourself and become more aware of the love of God. I may have a question to begin the session and you can talk about whatever is most important to you. Most of my time is spent listening to you as well as listening to what God may be saying or doing in your life. I end the sessions with a prayer of blessing for you.